Thursday, June 22, 2006


I am compelled to start this blog to channel our thoughts and ideas on progressive and creative learning methods. Children are amazing. They are ever-thirsty sponges who thrive for good teaching, guidance, education, stimulation, emotional freedom and acceptance.
In contrast, there are just so many misconceptions and misleading guidelines about children, not just among individuals, but also as a culture.

So here we are..
freely talking about what is progressive, children, progressive children.
What developmental approaches and educational methods are working. What is applicable. What is sensible. What is creative.
And what is not.
And let us not be confined in the psychological aspect of "progressive children". Let us talk about what's progressive from multiple standpoints: design, architecture, art, music, linguistic, science, social practices...

Let all of us think progressively and write boldly for our children!
