Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Original Effort is Golden, Unique, and Which Shine. At least that's what I think.

Is it ok to not be original?

A girl in my undergraduate program would come to everyone's desks just to monitor on projects, snoop on progress, and be very resourceful and creative on how she could top her rivals' projects, by any means: from crying for sympathy to tailgating one's design process, and to throwing someone's finished model out of the window and shuttered it to pieces a day before class presentation. Nothing she produced was original although all the work were presented better than many of us who own the original concepts.
At the end she graduated 4.0/4.0.
But is it worth it? Are ambition and goal-oriented tasks really teaching and educating?
Or is originality dumb and so yesterday?

Now. Is it then ok to not be original as long as one is not causing any damage?

Kids were born to follow. Fortunately, at one point, they will grow and be comfortable with their own ideas. And it requires adult's efforts to assure, to guide and teach, to correct, to set precedence, and never to 'compare'.
And for parents to accept, embrace, and respect your kids' talents and to praise their project outcomes starting now are crutial steps to build your children's confidence. They also allow them to be creative and proud with their own ideas, ideology and consequently be true to and happy with themselves in the long run. Once they feel secure and valuable, it is much more like that they will produce many original ideas and solutions, effectiveness aside.

Originality is always fabulous, no matter what others might say.
And while it is not necessarily wrong to not be original, it definitely is not requiring any sense of pride to be in.
Above all, NO, it is never acceptable to damage, no matter what, no matter how.



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